Service Area • Child Welfare & Justice Transformation

Maximizing Agency Success

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Child Protection Training

Understanding child safety is CWJT’s sweet spot.  We will work with you to customize child protection and child welfare trainings, workshops, and presentations to educate your staff or enrich their understanding of any number of child welfare issues and situations.

Executive Coaching

It starts at the top.  Effective leadership is key to maintaining an engaged staff and good outcomes for children and families. We will work one-on-one or in small groups with you and your leadership team on customized approaches and strategies to enhance your leadership skills and help your agency flourish.

Organizational Culture and Climate

One of the most important keys to a successful agency is having an environment where people are passionate about the work they do and the team that they get to do it with.  Allow us to guide your team through a judgement-free assessment of your current agency climate, and help you find ways to inspire your team to fulfill their greatest potential.

Safety Culture -What is it? Why is it? How to have it?

Safety science is a tool that uses scientific methods to ensure safety in everything from healthcare settings to aviation to car manufacturing. Such an approach can be a game-changer in child protection practice and policy, improving outcomes and helping not only children, but those who work in child welfare as well.  Learn about safety science, how it works, and how it can reduce tragic outcomes for children.

Recognizing and Eliminating Bias in Case Plans

Case plans built upon bias (e.g., racial, geographic, income or others) and assumptions can create unnecessary and misguided barriers to successful reunification and family well-being.  Learn how to identify and prevent bias in case plans, protocols and engagements with families. 

Building and Using Strategic Partnerships

Child welfare organizations are not the only ones responsible for child safety. Healthcare, childcare, education, public safety, housing and other sectors also have a role. Learn how to significantly improve child protection and prevent bad outcomes by partnering with a myriad of public and private stakeholders.

Bad Things That Can Happen When You Don’t Take Care of Yourself First

“Put the oxygen mask on yourself, and then help those around you.” Child protection is incredibly taxing work both physically and emotionally. The 24/7/365 nature of the job can ultimately damage your own health and that of those around you. Learn how to recognize and prevent personal physical and emotional mishap and instability in this high-stakes job.



We're here to help.

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